Monday, November 4, 2013

malbari biryani

cooking time : 30 minutes
preparation time : 20 minutes 

ingredients :

rice                          1 kg   boiled  
oil                      1/2 cup
onion                  2
beef/ mutton           1 kg  ( boiled )
turmeric                  1 tsp
chilly flakes             1 tsp

ginger garlic paste              2 tsp
salt                                   1 tsp
tomato                      1/2 kg
green chillies               6
coriander leaf                  1 cup       
mint leaf                      1 cup
tamarind sauce              1 /2 cup
lemon juice                        2  tbsp

for tempering :
mustard seeds                     1 tsp
round chillies                        5
curry leaf                                    4        

  • in oil add oil add onion and sauté until golden brown add boiled mutton ,turmeric powder , ginger garlic paste , chilly flakes, salt  ,tamarind sauce ,  chopped tomatoes cover and cook on slow flame for 10 minutes . 
  • add lemon juice , green chillies . 
  • after that place a layer of boiled rice . 
  • in tempering pan melt some ghee / clarified butter add mustard seeds , round chilies , and curry leaf pour this over the rice layer . 
  • cover and cook it for 10 minutes more . serve . 

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