Saturday, November 2, 2013

chicken corn soup

 cooking time : 15 minutes
preparation time : 10 minutes 

ingredients :

chicken pieces                      3 
water                                             3 cups
garlic flakes                                           4
sweet corns                                   1 cup
salt to taste 
white pepper powder                  1/4 tsp
sugar                                      1/4 tsp
corn flour                                2 tsp
spring onion                          1/2 cup
oil                                     2 tsp

to garnish :
spring onion                    1 tsp
shredded chicken             1 tsp

method :
  • to prepare chicken stock boil chicken in 3 cups of water , and garlic , and salt . for at-least  10-15 minutes on slow flame. 
  • add white pepper powder , sugar . 
  • drain the stock in a bowl and set side . shred the chicken with hands and keep them in different platter . 
  • now heat oil in another pan add corn and sauté for 3 to 4 minutes . pour the chicken stock in it , add 1 tbsp noodles , shredded chicken and again cook it on slow flame for 5 to 6 minutes . 
  • to thicken the soup take corn flour in a bowl add 1/2 cup of water . mix well pour this into soup being cooking and stir while adding the cornflour mixture in it .
  • remove in a bowl and serve with parsley , and spring onion . 

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